“What you feel is what you are…”

The Not-Really-Christmas-It’s-Just-That-Time-Of-Year-But-You-Can-Call-It-A-Christmas-Giveaway-If-You-Want-To Giveaway
I’m Giving Away A CrapTon of Books Giveaway


Every day from December 16 until December 20, that’s Monday through Friday, I’ll give something away (see schedule below.) On Sunday, December 22, I’ll give away a Ginormous YA package and a Sorta Ginormous Romance package to 2 different people. To enter the random drawings, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. It’s easy – just look on the sidebar of the website. No worries that you’ll be inundated with newsletters – so far, I’ve sent one, and that was to announce the release of The Mephisto Mark, which was then changed to Only You, so maybe I should have sent another newsletter, but I didn’t want to bug people. See how considerate I am? You totally want to sign up. No, really. I intend to do a couple of giveaways in the coming year of Amazon Kindles, and I have some bonus content and some other things you might find interesting. So sign up and you’re automatically entered in this week’s giveaways PLUS you will get fascinating and witty newsletters from me next year. Win! If you’ve already been awesome and already signed up for my newsletter, you don’t have to do anything but sit there and be awesome – you’re already entered. Go You!

I’ll email you if your name is drawn to get your snail mail. How will I know your email? Because it’s the one you use to sign up for the newsletter. International friends are welcome to enter, but if your name is drawn for the Big Prizes, I reserve the right to send you a gift card to Amazon and I will mail bookplates with the book bag. Deal? Okay, let’s get started!

A picture’s worth a thousand words, so here you go!

Monday December 16

12-16-13 Mephisto Giveaway












Tuesday December 17

12-17 & 18-13 Mephisto Giveaway












Wednesday December 18 – This Day’s Winner will also received a Mystery Box of Goodies – who knows what it will be??? Enter and find out. *Spoiler Alert* You will want what’s in the mystery box.

12-17 & 18-13 Mephisto Giveaway












Thursday December 19

12-19-13 Pink Publishing Giveaway












Friday December 20

12-17 & 18-13 Mephisto Giveaway












Saturday December 21 – Nothing this day. I’ll be at my nephew’s wedding eating cake and making merry.


Sunday December 22
TWO in ONE DAY! I know, the mind, it boggles.

You can win the YA Package (books in the tall stack are all signed; the others are not.) This includes a Pink Publishing book bag. Your friends will be jelly. I’ll also send you a Mephisto candle and Mephisto matches and one of the cool fabric bookmarks the owner of Alamosa Books in Albuquerque made for me when I had a signing there.


12-22-13 Ginormous YA Giveaway



OR You can win the Romance Package – all books are signed! I’ll send you a Pink Publishing Book Bag AND an Amazon gift card for $25.

12-22-13 Sorta Ginormous Romance  Giveaway



So what are you waiting for? Sign up for my newsletter and enter to win some stuff. You never know…

amazing gif


  1. I’ve never seen a giveaway like this one. My mind is blown. I love you and your books, Stephanie. My friends haven’t read them so it’s kinda lonely because I don’t have anybody to talk about them to. 😀

    • Stephanie /

      Thanks, Zineti – way to make my day. Maybe your friends should enter for some freebies. 🙂

  2. Alisa Jenkins /

    Thank you

  3. Sheri Dugger-Hardison /

    I am her biggest fan in Tennessee. I love the Hell Brothers story lines…..I would love to win something from her. : )

    • Stephanie /

      Thanks, Sheri – I would love to send you something, so we’re even. 🙂

  4. Princess /

    OMG! This is huge! Im drooling now!

  5. YES! These look awesome, not taking the risk of losing the contest, on my way to Amazon.

  6. Stephanie /

    December 16 Winner is…
    Emily McClusky! Congrats to Emily!

  7. Tawnya Peltonen /

    FANTASTIC giveaways, thank you for them! By the way, I love that the titles of your blog posts are song lyrics! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

  8. I love coming here to read your blog posts. By the way, wow that is a big giveaway! Good luck to everyone 🙂

    ((I kinda feel like a stalker, since I follow you on Facebook and here….. but I promise you i’m not….ok, maybe a little 😉 Haha))

    Merry Christmas!

    • Stephanie /

      Hey, Maleni, I’m glad you stop in to visit, here, there, anywhere. Merry Christmas to you, too!

  9. Kay Cisneros /

    I love books!

  10. Angela Nightingale /

    I am so excited I am always looking for authors I haven’t read before. I can’t wait to read more!!! Thanks for the give away!!

  11. Stephanie /

    December 17 winner is….
    Deb Carroll! Congratulations, Deb!

  12. Alexandra AKA Forever A Loyal Fan /

    The excitement is killing me!!!

  13. Stephanie /

    December 18 winner is Stacy Weckesser! Congrats Stacy! You’re going to like the ‘Mystery Box’!

  14. Stephanie /

    December 19 winner is Deborah Mascitti! Congrats, Deborah!

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